All About Dental Crowns

Thanks to modern dentistry, there are many ways to restore a damaged tooth. One of the most common is a dental crown due to its resistance and aesthetics.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a cap that covers a damaged dental piece. Its function is to provide strength for preventing cracks and ensure the patient chews, bites, and speaks correctly. 

We offer the best dental crowns in Okotoks for each case - as abutment teeth in dental bridges, on top of dental implants, and as a permanent restoration for teeth with endodontic treatment. We will explain all the cases below.

Dental Crowns in Dental Bridges

A dental bridge consists of two dental crowns and a pontic (a false tooth) in the middle. The pontic replaces the missing tooth, and the crowns are over the abutment teeth.

Ideally, the abutment teeth would have caries; otherwise, the doctor must remove healthy dental structures. When abutment teeth are not damaged, and the patient cannot afford a dental implant, the dental professional files down the healthy enamel.

The procedure consists of administering a local anesthetic for sensitivity. Then, the dentist prepares the teeth next to the gap and takes a mold. They send it to a dental laboratory, and a dental technician creates the bridge. In another appointment, the doctor cements it.

While waiting for the dental bridge, the dentist will likely place a temporary one for aesthetics and function.

    1. Dental Crowns over Implants

If you lose a dental piece, you should look for implants and dental crowns near you. While it is more expensive than other methods, it is the most permanent solution for teeth replacement. A dental implant is a metal post placed inside your jawbone (under local anesthetic) to replace the root of the missing dental piece. Afterward, the patient must wear three months for the implant and bone to integrate (osseointegration). Then, the patient gets their permanent dental crown.

After osseointegration, the dentist will cut a bit of gum to expose the implant and place a small piece called an abutment. Next, they will take a mold for a dental technician to create the crown, and in another appointment, the doctor installs the crown on top of the abutment. 

With dental implants and crowns, you look and feel natural. Besides, dental implants last a lifetime; hence, they are the best solution for replacing lost teeth.

    2. Dental Crowns after Root Canal Treatment

When a dentist performs a root canal, the tooth remains brittle in many cases, which increases the risk of fracture and tooth loss. Our dentist in Okotoks recommends getting a porcelain dental crown for restoring a tooth with endodontic treatment; this way, the dental piece strengthens. Also, a dental crown protects teeth against cavities better than dental fillings.

After getting a root canal with an endodontic dentist near you, they will prepare the dental piece for the crown. In the meantime, the dentist will place temporary cement or composite, and you must avoid chewing with that side until getting the crown. We recommend looking for prosthodontics right away because the longer you wait, the higher the risk of cracking.

In some cases, there is no need for a dental crown after a root canal (when there is enough dental structure to withstand forces with a dental filling). However, if the dental piece requires endodontic treatment, it means the damage is in the pulp, and most likely, the tooth is severely damaged.

We recommend visiting a dental professional for guidance in any case. A correct diagnostic is a key to the best and most adequate treatment in each case.